Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ezine + Relationships

Relationships - Love EzineArticles allows expert authors in hundreds of niche fields to get massive levels of exposure in exchange for the submission of their quality original articles.  ... your romantic relationships, your professional relationships, your family relationships ... Welcome to the online site for the "Amazing Relationships" eZine! ...

Ezine article category : Relationships  Get 61 free articles for your website and submit articles ... Ezine Ads. Free Classifieds. Free Ebooks. Mutual Funds ... Category " Relationships. How to ...

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Weekly Tips From Tim Connor  Weekly tips on Sales, Success, Relationships and Management. ... Tags: sales, success, relationships, management. Ezine Subscription Info: ...

New Yorker: Love & Relationships Comic Strip - Recent cartoons ...  View stories from previous days ... Ezine Issue: Relationships from the New Yorker for 5/5 ... Ezine Issue: Relationships from the New Yorker for 4/30 ...

Top 3 Steps to Success Building the Relationships - Ezine-Publishing  Top 3 Steps to Success Building the Relationships plus articles and information on Ezine-Publishing ... Building relationships-often called networking-is a ...

Premier Issue - "LoveNotes for Lovers" e-ZINE  Larry James is a speaker and author of books on love and relationships. ... this eZINE to anyone you know who is interested in healthy love relationships. ...

University Of Metaphysical Sciences, Christine Breesehttp://www.umsonline.org Of The Heart Church 501(c)3http://www.ucmeta.orgStarlight Journal Ezine Metaphysical Newsletterhttp://www.starlightjournal.comChristine Breesehttp://www.christinebreese.infohttp://www.christinebreese.comThese talks by Christine Breese are satsang videos especially for the internet directly to you, sponsored by University Of Metaphysical Sciences. Christine Breese is the founder of University of Metaphysical Sciences, which offers Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate D.D. and Ph.D. degrees in metaphysical subjects.Christine Breese speaks often of being still in the mind and being in the moment. This is only the beginning of enlightenment. After that, the experience of knowing the self that you are is ever deepening and the journey truly never ends. If you would like to meet Christine Breese in person, she offers retreats throughout the year. You can contact University Of Metaphysical Sciences at for retreat schedules or registration. You can also hear 10 minute meditations by Christine at MySpace at If you would like transcripts of these Christine Breese, University Of Metaphysical Sciences videos, visit:http://www.christinebreesevideotransc...Christine Breese says, "Letting go of a relationship that is ending, or love that has gone sour, is something you have to do whether you like it or not. There is no way to hold on to a relationship that is slipping away. If you hold onto it at the end, you only cause yourself great suffering and polarize the person from even being willing to be in a friendship with you. You cause yourself pain, struggle and sadness. Love gone sour is poisonous. There is no need to make the ending of a relationship more painful than it already is. Accept the pain that is there with the ending relationship, and be willing to release the struggle so that you don't have to create a more painful experience in the ending of that relationship.""Might as well be friends with the person you were in a relationship with, if that is possible. True relationships are hard to come by, even in the form of friendships. If you have been that close to each other, might as well be friends! Mature couples can do that, letting go of the previous form of the relationship that is ending and allowing a new form to come after the end. Then love that has gone sour can turn into a deeper love that lasts through time. Pain can be turned into wisdom, and struggle can be avoided altogether.""To let go of a relationship that is ending, just relax and let go of your attachment to having the relationship. Realize that another will come. It is not the last relationship you will ever have. It is not the last opportunity you will have. This is not the end of "everything" even though it might seem that way. To let go of a relationship that is ending, you must be willing to be in the no man's land for a little while and allow yourself to be alone. Letting go of an ending relationship is a sign of mastery and acceptance in life, allowing things to come and go in your reality without struggle. If you are able to let go of things when they end, letting go will become a relief rather than a frightening experience.""You came to be very familiar with the relationship and it gave you stability, even if it was a rocky and unpleasant relationship. However, by letting go of this relationship, you make room for a new and higher relationship to happen, one that is more fitting for you. The fact that things come and go, things begin and end, that is a good thing. It means that there is always change, which is healthy. So let the relationships come and go in your life as they will, let go when it is time to let go at the end, and if a relationship is meant to stick, it will. If not, let it go without struggle and relationships will be less painful when they end."christine breese relationships end come and go let letting of relationship ending struggle couple love painful pain 20 Relationships End Come And Go, Letting Go of Relationshipend of a relationshiprelationship endend a relationshipend of relationshipend relationshipbroken heartbroken hearted Magazine: Getting Back Into the Game  Single parent dating issues - tips on finding that perfect someone. Read True magazine and learn the secrets to love. A must-read for anyone about to fall in...

Holistic Harmony Network - free articles and books, psychology ...  Free articles and books, psychology, self-help, spirituality, therapy process, freedom from negative emotions and ... Ezine Publishers. Relationships. Self ...